Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why do some people get toe nail fungus but not others?

i was wondering if anyone knew anything about genetic predisposure to getting a fungal infection of the nails? like, lack of resistance. is it true what heard about that?

my friend has a very apparent infection in her toenails, ive borrowed her shoes without the thought crossing my mind it could be spread, many times.

that seems like the best way to spread it but my toes are untouched.Why do some people get toe nail fungus but not others?
People who wear socks and don't allow the feet to completely dry after the bath, and before putting on socks, may get toenail fungi.

Also, athletic people whose feet perspire. A fungus grows best in a moist, dark location.

The same conditions that lead to athletes foot, will also lead eventually to toenail fungus.

Can you catch toenail fungus? Yes. The most common way is by sharing toenail clippers.

An infection and a fungus are not the same thing. I still wouldn't recommend that you continue to share shoes.

Very few of the fungi that are found in dirt and dead plant material are the cause of toenail fungus. The ones that are, have to get past the persons natural immune system, via a skin perforation or a cracked or broken nail.

So, the reason some people get them and others don't are many. You may have a very strong immune system, and keep your nails short so they are less likely to become perforated. Make sure your toenails are thoroughly dry, and don't go barefoot in the dirt.

Fingernail salons are the cause of most of the current rage of fingernail fungi because they use emery boards and other nail supplies on more than one person. So it pays to be aware of how your salon operates in regards to reusing equipment.Why do some people get toe nail fungus but not others?
It has nothing to do with how often you bathe. Btw its spelled BATHING. Most of the time the fungus gets under the nail like if you`re walking in the garden barefoot or in public showers. A weakened or damaged nail also makes it easier for a fungus to take over the nail.
Hi Mottovan,

Your question is actually a very good question. I suppose that it is somewhat like warts. Others are more prone to have them than others. The best way to combat toenail fungus once you get it is to medicate right away. I would suggest to your friend to visit That way she does not have to embarass herself buying it in a store. Later!
If your toe is damaged, you're more likely to get a fungal infection. There may also be a genetic resistance to it. My sister and I both had a fungal infection but we didn't share shoes - none of my friends ever caught it despite them sharing my shoes.
it's called ';baithing';
i dont know? do you want some ?

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