Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What is a good over the counter remedy for nail fungus that really works?

I would prefer something that is made of natural ingredients.What is a good over the counter remedy for nail fungus that really works?
I've never had nail fungus, so I can't tell you it will work for sure. But, I have heard anecdotal stories of grapefruit seed extract being used for nail fungus. I never bothered to question how it was used. It is inexpensive, so it would be worth a try before resorting to something more expensive.

I would definitely try it if I had nail fungus, and this is what I would try: Get the liquid form and dilute it about 10 drops in 3 oz of water (that's double the strength we usually use for yeast and bacteria). Soak the nail in it about 5 to 10 minutes.

GSE is an antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-yeast treatment. should be in every medicine cabinet for sore throats, ear infections and yeast infections anyway, so you won't be out anything getting it. I don't see why it wouldn't work, since it is antifungal - just not my usual use for it. Health food stores carry it, or (which has the best prices on it, and I'm not affiliated).What is a good over the counter remedy for nail fungus that really works?
I haven't tried it myself but white vinegar is supposed to work. Put two drops of vinegar at the growing base of the affected nail every day until the diseased nail has grown out completely. This can take months to happen but it is supposed to be more effective than any over the counter or presciption medicine. Tea tree oil also works but it is much more expensive. I've also heard people having good luck with household bleach but it can cause other problems if you spill it.
I have used Tea tree oil. You can brush it right on the nail. It works. It's also good for nail growth.
Straight Tea Tree Oil %26amp; Vicks Vapor Rub
I've also read that Vicks is very effective. It may take awhile, but it's a cheap way to get rid of the fungus.
I have used regular Vicks menthol rub get a toothpick and stick the vicks under the nail (it doesnt burn) Do this everyday and it will turn black or dark brown and then it will clear up. I read it in a book and my mom tried it - it worked for her. Good luck

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