Saturday, January 23, 2010

Are there any home remedies to get rid of toe nail fungus?

Supply the indicated deficiencies, listed above, which apply to you.

鈥?Eat a high-protein diet, including Brewer's yeast, calcium, silica, and, if necessary, hydrochloric acid.

鈥?Water causes the nails to swell and they shrink when dry, resulting in loose, brittle nails.

鈥?Avoid immersing the hands in detergent water.

鈥?Never cut the cuticles. This damages the nail and invites infections. Do not push them back.

鈥?Brittle nails are common among teenagers, pregnant women, and those with food allergies. The problem is malabsorption or nutritional deficiencies (unsaturated essential fatty acids, amino acids, calcium, iron, or zinc).

鈥?Hangnails are caused by an essential fatty acid deficiency. Put vitamin E oil or aloe vera directly on it, to reduce further breaking and likelihood of infection. They are particularly common among women who have their hands in water a lot or who bite their nails. Keep nails clipped short. Rub vegetable oil into the hands occasionally.

鈥?If you tend to pick at your nails, wear clothes with pockets; and, when you find yourself starting to do it, put your hands in your pockets.

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