Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Who has a REAL fast and effective way to kill finger nail fungus without the pills?

I have finger nail fungus - I need it gone!! I do not want to take the pills as I heard that they are expensive and hard on the liver. Any ideas?Who has a REAL fast and effective way to kill finger nail fungus without the pills?
You can use the new pinpoint laser treatment that kills fungus underneath the nail bed and you will see your nail grow out clear. Its not covered by insurance b/c its considered a cosmetic procedure. You can find out more on www. patholase.comWho has a REAL fast and effective way to kill finger nail fungus without the pills?

You're right. Pharmaceutical pills are expensive, but more importantly they're, in my opinion unhealthy. It's important to eliminate as much as you can the environment for the fungus to grow. Dark. Warm. Moist. I've written much more here: Good luck.

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Finger nail fungus is MUCH more uncommon than toenail fungus but you can get light and fresh air on your fingers (a plus). But you probably need some help. Try something very effective but %26lt;a href=';http://www.zetaclear.com鈥?target=';_blank';%26gt;natural and safe%26lt;/a%26gt;. Hope u get rid of it.

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