Home remedies can't cure toenail fungus. Your doctor can run tests to see if your liver is healthy. Treatment is at least 90 days and he can run a test after 30 and 60 days to catch anything before it gets bad. Liver damage is actually rare, especially if your liver is healthy. Explain your concerns to your doctor.
There are treatments that make your fungus cosmetically more acceptable if you decide against medicines.How do I get rid of Toe Nail Fungus?
I have the same problem, my dr. told me the nail fungus was far less harmful than the pills and did not recomend them at all.
A few home remidies work, but be prepared to do this daily for up to a year depending on how bad the infection is
1. Listerine
2. Vapo-Rub
4. Tree-Tea Oil
5. Bleach
Some of these things may sound weird, but they really do work if you have the patience to keep it up. I have had the best luck with Vapo-Rub.Make sure you treat all your toes since the fungus spreads easiley
don't use the pills! ever!
i found this in an email....
Listerine therapy for toenail fungus:Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine Mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toenails looking healthy again.
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