Monday, May 10, 2010

Is there a natural cure for nail fungus?

There are many home remedies for nail fungus but depending on how far along your fungus is, you may need medicine like Lamisil to combat the fungus internally. Some remedies I know of is mixing vinegar and listerine in a 50/50 solution and using a cotton bus (q-tip) to rub the solution all over the nail and the surrounding area. Another method is to dab your affected nail with tea tree oil. You can probably find this at a pharmacy. It's a natural antiseptic, germicide, antibacterial, fungicide. This method has had a lot more success as per some articles I've read online.

My girlfriend had a badly infected big toe. It was hurting so bad, she couldn't wear a shoe or even put on a pair of socks. After finding some tea tree oil, she started applying it to her nail/toe every morning and night. In a few days, the pain went away and the toe didn't itch anymore. She still puts it on daily because it looks like the fungus did it's damage and she may be losing her big toenail. That's OK...a new one will grow back eventually.Is there a natural cure for nail fungus?

There are several topical essential oils that have anti-fungal properties chief among them is Tea Tree Oil. Do not buy just any tea tree oil. Many cheaper brands cut the oil with sweet almond oil or grape seed oil. This reduces the effectiveness of the tea tree oil. Look for these brands: Kal, Country Life or Tea Tree Plantation. All of these are 100% tea tree oil. Tea Tree oil should cost around $10 per one-half ounce. You will need to use the oil twice per day. Use it in the mornings and again in the evenings. It has a unique smell, but it goes away quickly. It may take 3- 6 months for the tea tree oil to kill all of the fungus. Take your time. If you can find Neem oil, it is also a great antiseptic. You can mix it with the tea tree oil.

You did not say how long you have had the fungal infection. If it has been more than a few months you may want to take the herb Pau d' Arco internally to kill the fungus while doing the tea tree oil topically. Pau d'Arco does not cause liver damage like lamasil may do.Is there a natural cure for nail fungus?
rub tea tree oil on toes

Soaking feet in blended fresh garlic cloves and hot water

soaking feet in water with some drops of tea tree oil

soaking feet in water %26amp; natural apple cider vinegar

garlic %26amp; acv can be taken internally too. anit-fungals

keep feet, soaks %26amp; shoes dry %26amp; clean

put baking soda in shoes

keep nails short, trimmed %26amp; clean

use olive oil, vasoline or coconut oil etc to moisturize feet %26amp; toes

lay off of high carb/starch/suguary/dairy/greasy foods

eat alot of fresh veggies

drink plenty of water

get a good multi-vitamin/ pref with b-comlex for hair, skin %26amp; nails
A podiatrist (foot dr) confirmed with me that vicks vaporub rubbed on toenail fungus can really help but can take several months before the healthy nail grows out.

Very important though, that you get a diagnosis from a podiatrist or if hands, perhaps dermatologist, of actual nail fungus because I actually didn't actually have toenail fungus but the scrapiness was from the different medications that I take. The dr. took small nail clippings (from the white tips of nails) that I took over to the medical lab and a few weeks later, received a negative result. He then told me to take biotin to help the nails.

P.S. The dr did say that I shouldn't use tea tree oil for the nails as no one really knows how much of it is safe to use and really what is in the tea tree oil base.
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