Friday, May 14, 2010

What is toe nail fungus? I think I may have it?

Not a nice subject, I know! I have seen pictures of severe cases and it looks revolting. My big toe is nothing like those grusome pics, but it is a bit yellow on the top section and the nail top has lifted very slightly from the toe and the top part of the nail has an edge (like a french manicure!!) which it does not usually. There is no pain or discomfort. The other big toe and all others are not affected.

I don't know if I am being paranoid?

I keep my feet washed and clean.What is toe nail fungus? I think I may have it?
In my experience the only thing that gets rid of nail fungus is a prescription from your GP called Loceryl - its what I used to recommend for my patients - it does sound like you have a nail Fungal infection - (however if you have Psoriasis - this could also be the cause), see your Gp for the loceryl. It will take up to a year, appying loceryl once a week. Nothing else works as well

Research shows this is the quickest and most effective way to clear it up.

Nothing bought over the counter is as effectiveWhat is toe nail fungus? I think I may have it?
Toenail fungus is one of the many symptoms of candida albicans fungus (yeast). There is some basic info at at the yeast link.

I am using NONEX gel. It is available at the drugstore (United States). It helps the lifting, and has a mild anti-fungal. Apply after bath and once again during day (I do morning and night). It was recommended by my podiatrist, after he shaved my nail down with a Dremel (ugggghhh!). It works.

Otherwise, keep feet clean and dry, with a routine dusting of anti-fungal powder (Zeasorb-AF is my choice). This also helps prevent athlete's feet (also due to the same fungus).
it is a fungal infection under the nail that grows and distorts the nail and discolours it. It need not be painful. It could be itchy. It is best to consult a doctor who will test if it really is a fungus and give you appropriate medication.
It doesn't really matter how clean your feet are, if you get a fungus you need a special medication to get rid of it. If you toenail is thicker than usual or is yellow or otherwise discolored you have a fungus. Go to the foot aisle at the drug store and get some Pro-Clearz, brush on your nail twice a day and it will go away.

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