Monday, May 10, 2010

I have a finger nail fungus and have been to dermatologists, used home remedies,any suggestions?

Lamisil tablets is what you need. it is a daily pill you take for about 3 months. talk to your doctor about itI have a finger nail fungus and have been to dermatologists, used home remedies,any suggestions?
If you're looking for a home remedy, don't laugh, buy the generic kind of blue mouth wash, put your finger or toes in a plastic container of some sort and pour some of the generic blue mouth wash in it and keep the affected nail in it for about a half hour or so every day and you should see some improvement in a few weeks time; keep doing this for a month or so and you won't have to take pills that may have a serious side effect with your liver. When you remove the affected nail, don't rinse it but dry it. Of course, it takes time but you ain't messing with your liver!I have a finger nail fungus and have been to dermatologists, used home remedies,any suggestions?
Did the Dr not start you on Lamasil? That is usually the treatment they will use. I have heard that Vicks Vapor Rub ...rubbed all around the nail works also...I know it stinks. But they say it works.
This is simply a lotion that has natural anti- fungal tea tree oils in it. It will help get rid of the fungus and moisturize your nails and hands or even your whole body!

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