Saturday, January 23, 2010

How can you tell toe fungus from your toe nail falling of because of dancing?

I am a ballet dancer and since i been dancing en pointe, my toenails been falling off and gets all gross looking. how can you tell if it is falling off from dancing or if it is falling off cause maybe fungus or something?How can you tell toe fungus from your toe nail falling of because of dancing?
Hi Durgee_x0xo,

If you have one or more of the following signs and symptoms, you might have athlete's foot.

# Burning, stinging, and itching on the soles of your feet and between your toes, especially the last two toes

# Extreme dryness of the skin on the sides or bottoms of the feet

# Nails that are thick, pulling away from the nail bed, brittle, frayed or discolored

# Cracking and flaking skin, especially on the soles of your feet and between your toes

If you do have athlete's foot see the link below for more info on treatments and natural cures.

Good luck.

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